Thursday, 9 February 2017

SWEET HEARTS ! yummy recipe:)


Here is a simple sweet recipe for sweet little heart shape bites

What you need
Silicone heart shaped mould
Some bland biscuits
Dry fruits chopped(optional)
Icing cream with added sugar(homemade here with strawberry pink color and vanilla flavor)

 Crush the biscuits with rolling pin or in pestle-mortar

 Mix the icing cream with the biscuit crumbs.
Proportions are adjustable.
Put as much biscuit crumbs as need to be able to be scooped up in spoon firmly.
Here I have filled and pressed tightly the mix into the moulds.
Refrigerate till firm.

 Just pop out the Sweet Hearts and Enjoy!

 They just melt in your mouth!


Vibrant Mushroom Botanical Watercolor Painting with Printable

  Vibrant Mushroom Botanical Watercolor Painting is a great Artwork to own. Watch me paint Bright Watercolor Mushroom and you can enjoy this...