Time to go green with matching hair band.
Here is the list of required materials for making this green hair band. A simple hair band, an array of green ribbons, white craft glue and all purpose fast adhesive.
Start from the beginning, from one end of the band and finish when you reach the other end. Apply white craft glue on the band a small portion at a time and wrap tightly the dotted satin ribbon around it, till you have completely covered the band. You have already got a green band now.
With a needle and thread do run stitch along one long side of one inch green ribbon, pull the thread to form a tight ruffled ribbon, twist and stitch and secure with glue to make this green flower.
Now with all purpose fast adhesive fix the fancy flower atop the stitched flower. Wait till dry.
Use needle and thread and adhesive to fix the flower on the band, and its ready.
Here is Aarotrika modeling her green hair band.
Go ahead make your own band
any colour